A selection of great garden vegetables to give you a bountiful harvest of healthy, fresh greens.All easy to grow proven performers that'll give you the immense pleasure of growing your own vegetables.
Courgette 'All Green Bush' a reliable, quick-growing and high-yielding variety that will crop all summer long with regular harvesting. One plant will typically produce 6-10 fruits. Its compact habit makes it ideal for growing in pots or containers, or the seeds can be planted directly in the ground where they are to crop. For the best flavour, harvest as baby courgettes at about 10-15cm (4-6in) long from July to October. 20 Seeds.
Brussles Sprout 'Brodie F1' one of the best varieties of Brussels sprouts you can grow. Exceptionally mild, and sweeter than most other varieties, there isn't a hint of bitterness or peppery flavour and they stay fresh on the plant for months. The buttons can be picked long into January or even February in optimal weather conditions. An excellent source of vitamins A, B and C. 40 Seeds.
Broccoli (Autumn) Green Calabrese crops from late summer right through autumn, producing densely packed clusters of deep bluish-green buds of up to 15cm (6in) diameter atop thick, tender stems and rich green leaves that are jus.t as good to eat. Great raw for salads or dips, or steamed, boiled or stir-fried. 200 Seeds
Leek 'Musselburgh' a heritage variety, great for picking from late autumn to early spring when little else is available, this shorter variety of leek has densely packed, sturdy stems with creamy white bases and lovely sweet flavour and a firm but tender texture when cooked. Packed with nutrients, including vitamins A, B6, C and K, iron and magnesium, as well as being a good source of fibre and folate. 500 Seeds.
Price £13.96